Monthly Archives: December 2020

Are Business Cards Still Relevant?

Before technology and web got so intricately woven into our lives and our professional profiles became available on LinkedIn, business cards were the best and only way to exchange professional information. Apart from the fact that it carried the professional information and contact information, the business cards also reflect the style and persona of the person with the font and color scheme used. With countless digital solutions, available as an alternate nowadays, many people wonder if the good old business card in its physical form is still relevant or is only a waste of paper.

When the pandemic hit us, the world embraced technology with open arms and almost all business networks have now moved to the online platforms like LinkedIn, Zoom, Google Hangout, etc. All networking events have become virtual now and it is safe to assume that this trend is here to stay. With these transformations, an obvious comes to mind – will business cards be of use? The short and crisp answer to this is – yes, business cards are still very much relevant and so the print services that are in this area business. However, the areas of opportunity of using the business cards has undergone a change.

The Many Advantages of Business Cards for your Business

Business cards are one of the most straightforward way to build your brand, especially when you are owning a small business. Business cards help you maintain consistency in what you convey as your personal brand. If you hire a professional print services Sydney, you can get a classy and appealing business card created and have it handy to give out at any chance meeting or a networking gathering you might attend. If you are a business owner, you can convert your business card into a compact pamphlet to tell your prospective customers about your products or services.

The custom of exchanging business cards in a networking event or business meeting has been a long-standing one. Many people still expect a business card in return when they hand over theirs on meeting a person. When you meet such a person, you must be prepared to give them your business card. You must not have just any business card but one that suits your personality. So, you should use an expert print services to design a card with the proper font and color for you.

Business cards are not dependent on technology and like emails get lost among the huge ocean of emails that hit everyone’s mailbox these days, business cards have a higher chance of survival. People usually stack all business cards on the work desk and so they are easily accessible. While you are placing the order make sure you pick a good paper stock, an appealing design and a very professional service provider. If you are planning to get a set of classy business cards created for yourself and you are looking for print services Sydney you can reach out to us at RM Gregory. We are available on call at 0297448979 or on email at