In an age where we order groceries and book cabs online, you might think that business cards are ancient history. But you could be mistaken.
While digital transformations created new opportunities to reach and engage customers, business cards are still practical marketing tools.
Shane Perry, a Max Funding business advisor believes “Despite all the technological developments, business cards are still effective. It appears that automation, no matter the amount, can’t replace them. Most businessmen ensure they have business cards in their pockets at all times, so they are always ready for an opportunity to hand them out. Cards are handy during seminars, meetings, trade fairs, etc.”
Creates the First Impression
When you encounter a potential connection the first time, you want to make the right impression. A business card does not only hold contact details; it also wears the brand.
Therefore, the quality of your card must associate you with the right ideas. Its elements must be consistent with your branding guidelines. For example, an architect that specialises on minimal design should consider a business card with a black or white background and straightforward fonts, such as Montserrat and Roboto.
Do you think a prospective client who’s looking for a minimalist architect would consider him/her if the card has vibrant colours and decorative fonts?
Adds A Personal Touch
Consumers tend to respond better to brands with who they have an emotional connection. Establishing this level of relationship isn’t easy through digital devices.
When you are giving a business card, the consumer receives a physical manifestation of your commitment. Aside from contact details, you also exchange smiles, pleasantries, eye contact, and lots of handshakes.
Exchange of information through digital channels may be faster—too fast that it may not be too memorable.
Continuous Marketing for Free
Your business card stays with the receiver after you’ve parted ways. If the card creates an impact, they might show it to their friends, family, and business associates. This move exposes your brand to additional prospects.
Unlike TV, radio, and internet advertisements, it doesn’t rely on electricity and Wi-Fi. You don’t have to spend for ad placements. If people like your card, they’ll show it off or pass it on.
Shows Professionalism
Business cards are prominent components of business rituals. In Hong Kong, business people offer their cards when someone gives them theirs.
Business cards show that you’re prepared. Just imagine this scenario: a potential client approaches you in a restaurant and clearly states that they will contact you when they’re ready to discuss formally. However, his/her phone is dead. Would you write your contact details in a napkin?
With a business card ready, you won’t have to scramble for a pen and paper. You just have to pull it out and graciously hand it over.
Preparedness is a sign of professionalism.
Business cards market directly to consumers. There’s already an engagement the second they receive it, which means the encounter can stay in their heads longer. You can prolong it with a little conversation and a handshake to reach another level of intimacy. RM Gregory Promoprint is a trusted business card printer in Australia. We’ve helped thousands of individuals and businesses create new connections, generate more revenues, and build strong brand identities with high-quality business cards.
Article prepared by Andrea North for RM Gregory Promoprint