Tag Archives: business cards

Top 5 Benefits Of Using Business Cards

Have you started using business cards to grow your business yet?

Business cards have been around seemingly forever. Still, they are powerful tools for small business owners to use in 2020.

The business card has managed to stay relevant even in the digital age. It can build new business networks effectively and help promote your business. This alignment between the old-school word of mouth and newer technologies means you can add email addresses or social media accounts to your business cards.

With new technologies on the rise, business cards have experienced tremendous growth in quality.

The evolution of the business card has come a  long way from the simple designs. This fundamental tool now has seemingly limitless designs.

Did you know that sales increase by 2.5% for every 2,000 business cards handed out? There’s no denying that card in your hand can mean a conversion down the line.

So let’s dive into the things that make business cards stand out. The following are the top 5 benefits that come with using business cards.

1. Cost-effective

Money is usually scarce when it comes to most small businesses. Nonetheless, the adoption of business cards for small businesses can be quite lucrative.  It is the most affordable option for many businesses. You can get a piece for a few cents.

The business finance experts at Metro Bookkeeping explain that “if you order them in bulk, the price drops even further. You end up with an effective marketing tool without spending a fortune. This will also be a tax-deductible investment for your business.”

Business Card Printing Tip: You need to source for the right commercial printer to take care of your business card printing. Don’t opt to print your own business cards unless it’s unavoidable.

You won’t end up with the right type of quality when printing your own business cards as compared to going for a reputable commercial printer. There are lots of options that are offered when you go for a print services provider. This can significantly help with your first impression.

2. Versatile

Lots of information can be contained within business cards regardless of their small sizes. Much more can go into a business card, not just your contact information.

Advertisements can be put on business cards.  Or,  you can give away a  coupon or deal.  You should, however, be cautious not to flood your card with too much information. Don’t bombard the recipients with too many details.

Business Card Printing Tip:  Develop a  landing page for your recipients when they visit the website listed on your business card. Don’t just leave it at the usual website link.

An introductory video that sheds more light on your business can be fitting on such a  page. Exclusive offers such as a bonus gift or a discount can be included on the landing page.

3. Convenient

You can take control of how your business card looks. Even more, you can take charge of where you want it to go.

Discretion on your card’s contents can also help. The size of these cards ensures that they can easily fit in a recipient’s purse or wallet. Binders or special containers are usually used by many people to store business cards for future reference.

Business Card Printing Tip: Many establishments within your local area may permit you to drop business cards for others to pick. Figure out establishments where your target market is likely to visit. Head over and drop off some business cards. This may significantly help your business with exposure.

4. Evergreen Traffic

Ads on the television and radio come and go. Some even last for just about half a minute. Online banner ads tend to last for an even shorter time.

A business card, on the other hand, never stops working. It stays with the customer for as long as it lasts. There’s a higher possibility of a customer reaching out to you for services if he or she sees your business card every time.

Skin rejuvenation clinic MT Medical say they’ve had success in the past using promotional business cards. They note “we’ve handed out promotional business cards in the past, and still receive traffic through that channel. The cost for the cards has long been recovered (and then some) by the conversions that resulted.”

Business Card Printing Tip: In need of a long-lasting business card? Get a dazzling die-cut card that has been developed using a memorable design. You can also incorporate magnet printing for your card to have the ability to stick on metallic surfaces such as your recipients’ fridges.

5. Proven & Effective

Simply put, business cards work.

They are still relevant to many businesses today since they are capable of generating more customers yearly.  Planning is essential when it comes to business cards as with every other advertising medium. The right information should be included in your cards as well as in the right amount. You should also ensure they are passed to the right people.

Business Card Printing Tip:  The whole branding concept of your business and self won’t be covered only by your business card. Still, this card is very critical when it comes to a good first impression. Make sure that the card you design brings out the personality of your business. A comprehensive branding strategy can offer assistance when it comes to this.

Discussed above are only but five benefits of business cards.

There are a ton more!

Don’t downplay this little card’s power when developing your marketing strategy.  These small cards may just be the thing you need to connect with your next client.

Set to embark on the printing your business cards? Chat to the team from RM Gregory Promo Print and nail your business card today!